Bid Adieu Goo.gl And Come To The Future With Firebase Dynamic Link
Many of us have already enjoyed the URL shortening service of Google. But unfortunately, Google has announced that they’re shutting down goo.gl . Google’s service to create short URLs will be dismantled from 13th April, but the links will still redirect the users to the website. But, the existing users of goo.gl can manage the links via Google Console until March 30, 2019. But, again from April 1st, 2019, Google will end their journey with Google console too!
What Is The New Replacement Of goo.gl
But Google has been replacing goo.gl with Firebase Dynamic Links, or FDL, from 13th April, 2018. You will no longer be able to create new goo.gl URLs after 13th April 2018. The goo.gl service was launched way back in 2009 as the first step in order to shift the direction to FDL.
Will The Other URL Shorteners Continue To Work After Shutting Down goo.gl
The other URL shorteners like bit-ly and Ow.ly are still available for you to use. You are also allowed to use the new FDL service for free along with these URL shorteners. Google is also encouraging the consumers to shift their direction to bit.ly and ow.ly along with FDL.
Why Shifting To FDL Is Important
The FDLs are more likely to survive the app installation process. The primary benefit of FDL is it can automatically detect a platform and will redirect the users to the web page or the native mobile app downloading page depending on the platform they use.
Another benefit of FDL is the security. In 2016, there was a report saying the goo.gl URL shortener has security more flaws than the original links. Microsoft and Google took measures for solving these issues.
The Closing Words
Google also reported that they are shutting down goo.gl in order to change the ways the users have been using to navigate the web. When Google started it, the Internet users were different than they are now and it is important for Google to update their ways.
Also, Google is promising the users that they can use the free FDL service forever. So, you can take the bite of this modern technology in a free mind without spending anything extra from their wallet.