on page seo technique 2018

12 Awesome User-Favorite On-page SEO Techniques 2018 To Rank First On SERP

All digital marketers know about the algorithm updates Google releases. But, for the record, on-page SEO hasn’t changed that much in the recent years. But, do you know what does on-page SEO means? On-page SEO simply means the type of enhancements you can apply on your web pages to rank it on the first page of search engine results, especially on Google. You need to optimize your page in a more natural way so that the premier search engine can spot the keywords you target on your page and can bring out a quality traffic on your website.

In this post, we are going to list 12 awesome and legitimate On-page SEO techniques 2018 that your users will love and also will convince Google to make your web page rank higher –

Optimization Of Meta-title:

Optimizing your meta title is a relevant step for you to rank better. The trick is to include your keywords at the first of your meta-title.

Meta-description Optimization:

Now, how do you optimize the meta description without stuffing your keywords? The technique digital marketers use for this is they use the variation of the main keyword and the other keywords on the meta-description.

Optimize Your H1 Tag:

H1 tag is another relevant factor you can never forget as it serves as a description of your on-page content. It is regarded as one of the most powerful tags that can influence Google’s ranking algorithm. So, always use your target keyword in your H1 tag.

Long-tail Keywords Can Help:

Use long-tail keywords with modifiers (best, how to, for beginners, step-by-step etc) to attract a whole new wave of traffic. Adding these modifiers opens up a new range of organic traffics and these are Google’s Rankbrain algorithm friendly.

Try To Keep Keyword Density Of 1-2 %:

You should avoid overstuffing your keyword by all means. Try to maintain the ideal keyword density of 1-2% on each page. You should definitely drop your keyword on the first paragraph itself and try many alternative version of the same keyword on that page. This way you can pick up more keywords, as well as your readers, can stay engaged.

Short URLs Are The Best:

This is because search engine prefers and gives more importance to the first 3-5 words in any URL. Make the URLs as short as possible and don’t forget to fit in your keywords.


Use Canonical Tags:

Sometimes, you can have two different URLs with similar content. This can lead Google to think it as a duplicate content issue. You can reduce the factors by using canonical tags. It tells Google that both URLs are equivalent to one another.

Use Optimized Image And Videos:

Not everyone loves reading. You will also have to target the visual and auditory learners. That is why you should use videos. You should optimize the image you’re using in your website as well by using relevant alt-text.

Engaging And Informative Content:

Google Algorithm makes sure that the content is updated and informative enough to satisfy the needs of the reader. Therefore, the length of your content matters. The more lengthy it will be, the higher it will rank.

Don’t Forget Inbound And Outbound Linking:

Both Inbound and outbound linking are helpful. This way you can link many external sites on your post.

Boost The Dwell Time:

If someone doesn’t like the page on the first glance, he or she will hit the back button in no time. This will send Google the signal that it is a page with low-quality content. To judge the page-quality Google uses ‘dwell time’. Try to increase your dwell time by writing quality content that can make people stay there on the page and keep reading it.

Technically Optimize Your Site

Two most important things you should do –

  • Make sure that the page content loads fast. It includes optimized images, light JavaScript and also by installing a cache plugin from WordPress.
  • Install AMP WordPress Plugin and make your site mobile friendly.

These are the top 12 On-page SEO techniques 2018 you should watch out. You can even follow this checklist to attract more quality traffic to your website and rank higher in SERP results.

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A Mass Software Solutions Publication